Over my career I have used my expertise to contribute to the news cycle. From testifying in front of Congressional committees to participating in podcasts, you can find my notable news appearances below.



25 January 2021
“Russian and Chinese information operations,” “The Cognitive Crucible” podcast
11 September 2020
“Beyond Espionage: IP Theft, Talent Programs, and Cyber Conflict with China,” Harvard University Fairbank Center for China Studies
17 December 2018
“Chinese Commercial Espionage and the Arrest of Huawei’s CFO,” “Hidden Futures” podcast
6 December 2018
“How the arrest of a member of China’s ‘corporate royalty’ could affect trade tensions,” PBS Newshour
24 March 2017
“The Bear and the Dragon: What Will The Future Bring in US China Russia Relations,” Future of War Conference 2017
17 March 2016
“Starr Forum: Confronting the China Cyber Challenge,” MIT Center for International Studies
1 May 2014
“China’s Roles in the World: China as Rule Breaker,” U.S. Institute of Peace and the Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service
8 April 2013
“China Reality Check Speaker Series: China’s Defense Budget,” Center for Security and International Studies
19 October 2009
“China’s Security Future,” Council on Foreign Relations